Amla- The Exceptional Berry


Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica or Indian Gooseberry) is native to India and grows in tropical and subtropical conditions. Thus, it has been extensively used in many parts of India as traditional medicine or for its nutrients. Regionally, amla is known by various names as Amalaki, Dhatri, or Amrutphala. In Ayurveda, amla has been described as peculiar green plum-like fruit that has all six tastes (except saltiness). It has been referred for a host of health benefits that involve improving digestive health to relieving cough in respiratory diseases. 

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Anosmia- Loss Of Smell

Anosmia means loss of sense of smell. It is usually caused by nasal condition and rarely by brain injury. As the nose is in direct contact with the external environment, it is exposed to the many microorganisms and pollutants present in the atmosphere. Due to the increase in environmental pollution and the busy lifestyles of today, rhinitis and sinusitis are common disease in the present era. Improper management of this stage leads to sinusitis, which may later lead to chronic sinusitis. All these disease have a common symptom as anosmia.

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COVID-19 and Influenza

Viruses are tiny microbes that survive by invading other living cells. Both covid-19 and seasonal flu are viral infections but covid-19 is due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and flu is from influenza A and B viruses. There are 4 types of seasonal influenza viruses, types A, B, C and D. Influenza A and B viruses circulate and cause seasonal epidemics of disease. Seasonal influenza spreads easily and can sweep through schools, nursing homes, businesses or towns. When an infected person coughs, infected droplets get into the air and another person can breathe them in and be exposed.

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No gym so no exercise is an excuse

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No gym so no exercise is an excuse.

In recent times in the COVID-19 Pandemic, all health clubs are closed.

People have to stay indoors. That does not mean you become lazy and stop exercising. Even without props and machines, one can build muscles and burn calories. Start with 15 to 20 minutes. If you are a beginner, do not jump for difficult exercise or overdo it. Start with brisk walking. Every time you start exercising, the warm-up is very important. 

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Ayurveda For Healthy Lungs

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Respiration is one of the vital systems of our body, which is involuntarily supplying oxygen to the body to feel energetic and lively. As per Ayurveda, Prana is a sub-type of Vata dosha, and responsible for inhaling oxygen from the outer environment. The inhaled oxygen is balanced by exhaling carbon dioxide with the help of Udana, another sub-type of Vata dosha. Such involuntary mechanism reciprocates throughout life, and thus, it is necessary to maintain healthy respiration lifestyle to avoid any respiratory-related diseases.

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