Immunity Boost by Yoga in Daily life

The power of yoga blog by dr Shilpa desai


Yoga is an excellent tool of promotive health that can enrich modern medicine. The practise of Yoga leads to the efficient functioning of the body with homeostasis through improved functioning of the psycho-immune-neuro- endocrine system. A balanced equilibrium between the sympathetic and parasympathetic wings of the autonomic nervous system leads to the dynamic state of health.

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Parvatasana or Mountain Pose

Parvatasana or the Mountain Pose is a basic asana in yoga. Parvata stands for Mountain while aasana refers to Posture. Just like the name, this aasana gives benefits like a mountain – strong and stable. It helps to stretch the entire upper body muscles. Mountain pose also helps in curing a couple of digestion problems like acidity and indigestion. And it can be performed by everyone except for those suffering from a knee issue.


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Halasana (Plow pose)

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Halasana is also known as the Plow pose.
The name comes from the Sanskrit words hala meaning “plough” and asana meaning “posture”.
Halasana, the pose is entered from Sarvangasana (shoulder stand), lowering the back slightly for balance, and moving the arms and legs over the head until the outstretched toes touch the ground and the fingertips, in a preparatory variant of the pose. The arms may then be moved to support the back into a more vertical position, giving a second variant pose. Finally, the arms may be stretched out on the ground away from the feet, giving the final pose in the shape of a traditional plough.

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Supta Vajrasana



Supta in Sanskrit is ‘reclined’ and Vajra means ‘thunderbolt’. Supta Vajrasana is an advanced level supine variation of Vajrasana. Supine meaning lying on the back. This is an important and very useful asana for improving the digestive system.  Before performing supta vajrasana one should master Vajrasana. Supta Vajrasana offers numerous great benefits, so get on your mat and start practising from today.

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The rib cage expands in all directions with inhalation and reverts to its original position with exhalation. Thoracic breathing is a powerful breath technique for healing respiratory ailments.

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  1. Sit or stand comfortably, place the palm of your hands lightly on your ribcage with your fingers pointing inward and your thumb behind. your little fingers should touch the lower ribcage.
  2. Shoulders relaxed, elbows pointing outward.
  3. Start breathing normally and observe the movement of the chest. After a few breaths, begin to deepen, lengthen and extend that movements.
  4. On the inhalation, expand the ribcage sideward filling the lungs completely with air, then on exhalation let the lungs collapse fully.
  5. Keep the abdomen still, moving the only chest while breathing.
  6. You can start with 5-10 rounds and gradually increase the rounds.

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Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)

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Gomukhasana is a Sanskrit name for cow face asana. Go means ‘Cow’, Mukha

means ‘face’ and asana means ‘posture’. This is a seated hatha yoga asana which

is considered to be a unique experience for every individual. People with flexible

hips and muscles may find it easy to get into gomukhasana but those who have

been sitting on chairs or sofas, or are involved in running, or cycling may find

it difficult to perform it. With time and patience, you will be able to perform the

pose perfectly as it makes your body flexible and easy to stretch.

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