Halasana (Plow pose)

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Halasana is also known as the Plow pose.
The name comes from the Sanskrit words hala meaning “plough” and asana meaning “posture”.
Halasana, the pose is entered from Sarvangasana (shoulder stand), lowering the back slightly for balance, and moving the arms and legs over the head until the outstretched toes touch the ground and the fingertips, in a preparatory variant of the pose. The arms may then be moved to support the back into a more vertical position, giving a second variant pose. Finally, the arms may be stretched out on the ground away from the feet, giving the final pose in the shape of a traditional plough.

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 Do You Know ​Pineapple Is Not Just A Fruit.


Pineapple is a small herb. It has around 60cm to 1mt longleaf with thorny margins. This plant is basically from Brazil and brought to India by the Portuguese. Now abundantly available in India.

Pineapple (ananas)
Latin name: ananas consistent

Family: Bromeliaceae

Loaded With Nutrients

Pineapples are low in calories but have an incredibly impressive nutrient profile.

One cup (5.8 ounces or 165 grams) of pineapple chunks contains the following :

  • Calories: 82.5
  • Fat: 1.7 grams
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Carbs: 21.6 grams
  • Fibre: 2.3 grams
  • Vitamin C: 131% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 76% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B6: 9% of the RDI
  • Copper: 9% of the RDI
  • Thiamin: 9% of the RDI
  • Folate: 7% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 5% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 5% of the RDI
  • Niacin: 4% of the RDI
  • Pantothenic acid: 4% of the RDI
  • Riboflavin: 3% of the RDI
  • Iron: 3% of the RDI

Pineapples also contain trace amounts of vitamins A and K, phosphorus, zinc and calcium, Pineapples are full with a variety of vitamins and minerals. They are especially rich in vitamin C and manganese.

Fruition happens at the end of summer and in Rainey season. So you get all benefits of pineapple if consumed in this period.

  • According to Ayurved pineapple are Vata and pitta shamaka
  • Pineapple is very helpful in anorexia abdominal pain and  hyperacidity (amlapitta)
  • Fresh Pineapple juice also helpful in constipation and worms
  • Make sure not to eat pineapple in pregnancy as it causes abortion when taken in excess.
  • Raw pineapple is very effective in kashtartava ( metrorrhagia- painful menstruation) and anartva (amenorrhea- scanty or no menses).
  • Pineapples are delicious, accessible and easy to add to the diet.


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Say No to Soda, Yes to Healthy Drinks in this Summer

How to keep your body cool naturally in summer.


“Say No to Soda, Yes to Healthy Drinks in this Summer”

This summer, avoid drinking Sodas that are sweet, sparkling, and tasty but don’t confuse that it is healthy to drink. Doctors have discovered tons of health risks connected with drinking soda.  Worse, you’re robbing yourself on the name of a “Best Summer Drink”. you really ignore alternative healthy drink which is brimming with needed vitamins and minerals.

you’re choosing a soda, in front of choosing a healthy beverage, full of aerated drinks, spike and chemicals, will gift your body by increasing body sugar levels, blood pressure and cholesterol. If taken frequently it may dehydrate your body. Consequently, this will increase belly fat, obesity, cause irregular heartbeats, damage your teeth, weaken your bones, breast lumps and harm your major organs. Aerated drinks are also responsible for causing certain types of cancers.

There are a number of healthy drink choices you can make instead,  Healthy drinks, on the other hand, have vitamins and minerals the body can use. Even plain water can rehydrate your body without adding extra calories to your diet.

Replace Healthy Drink with Alternatives like

  • Water
  • Coconut water
  • Fresh fruit juices
  • Milk
  • Sabja
  • Raisins syrup
  • Sugarcane Juice etc.

There are numbers of other natural, Healthy, coolant and will help your body keep cool in a natural way, And remember that you can always cut up some fresh fruit and pop a little into a tall glass of water for an extra flavour kick. By choosing healthy drinks over soda, Your body will thank you.

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Ujjayi Pranayama

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Ujjayi pranayama also referred to as ‘Victorious Breath’ or ‘Ocean Breath’ or ‘Cobra Breath’. It helps calm the mind and warm the body. When practising Ujjayi, you completely fill your lungs, while slightly contracting your throat, and breathe through your nose. This breathing technique is used throughout Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga practices. It is part of the eight Kumbhakas of Hathayoga.

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